How Geographical Ancestry Shapes Human Behavior Today


The more I study history the more I learn that everything we do as races can be tied to our DNA or ancestral origin. I call it geographically PTSD. The ways we as individual races act, think and behave are directly tied to where our bloodlines originated and the environments in which we arose. 


Majority of the world we see now is heavily dominated by Euro-Asian thinking, systems and behaviors. Everything down to how we grow our foods to how we view wealth is influenced by Euro-Asian. 


In order to see the connection we have to understand where Euro-Asians originate from and what drives their way of thinking and behaving. 


Viewing this climate labeled world map gives us an interesting glimpse into the origins of our races. Euro-Asia, with the exception of a few southern regions is located in a climate zone where the abundance of tropical vegetation/fruit is not as openly and easily available. 


To the north it was colder and to the west it was desert. This made it more difficult to find accessible food that you can just eat instantly without any sort of preparation or farming procedures. 


Before the rise of civilizations and kingdoms and even the world we know today, value was not always based on money or metals. Value in the earliest days was attached to our ability to survive. Access to Food. The person or people with the most food were wealthy because their survival was ensured. Life was simpler or easier for those people in regions where food grew in abundance without any need for preparation.


This gives us deep insight into the behavior patterns and thinking of European-Asian bloodlines. Because Euro-Asians ancestrally grew in regions where food did not as often grow readily they were forced to create a different way of life to ensure their survival. 


For example, weaponry and smelting has always been a strong suit for the Euro-Asian regions because they were more reliant on hunting animals to ensure survival because vegetation was not as abundant year round. That basic survival need ultimately sparked their weaponry dominance later. Another example, preservation. Europeans and regions in similar climate zones where there was a lack of year round vegetation/fruit were used to storing and preserving their meats and farming to ensure they could rely on food supply. Tougher, more uncertain conditions for survival shaped their early practices.


This explains their behavioral patterns as well. Because Euro-Asians were rising in regions where abundance of readily available food was not as abundant year round, they tended to think in terms of independent survival. This is why Euro-Asian regions have the longest and richest history of warfare dating from BC to present. Competition is embedded in the natives to this region because it was literally a them or you lifestyle. If you didn’t eat, or your family didn’t eat you starved and only the toughest survived. That mentality created a sense of competition, selfishness and hoarding of resources. Not out of evil but just natural survival instincts that their region forced them to operate under. Even after Europeans had ensured strong food supply lines and advanced farming practices, the competitiveness still brewed in their blood lines. The competition was no longer over food for survival but power, resources, and land. 


Lets examine the behaviors we see today from Euro-Asian origin bloodlines. Value is no longer strictly food now but it is money. Euro-asian regions do the same things they did with food to money. They hoard their wealth, which is similar to preserving their food. They are much more savvy when it comes to saving money because of their ancestral attachment to preservation. Their focus is on individual or family generational wealth because they come from doing what is best for strictly their own immediate family because food was ancestrally not as plentiful year round to think of or help others. They simply could not afford to if they wanted to survive. This mentality also helped further the competitiveness embedded in their behaviors today. From micro to macro levels Euro-origin people are in or funding wars, or even just competing over how nations should be ran (political parties). 


Their influence and teachings have manipulated and influenced  the entire world so much so that other races who are not native to those ancestral origins now participate in the same behavioral patterns and produce the same ways of thinking.  


Now let's examine other regions of the world where the original value or food access was much different. Central Africa, Deep South/South Eastern Asia, Central/South America. These regions produced tons of tropical fruit and vegetation year round. 


Life was much different for people originating in these regions.

Here, life was much simpler. Food was plentiful and readily available without a need for farming or heavy weaponry usage. If you wanted to eat you simply reached up and grab your meal. People in these regions ideas toward survival was not as dire as the Euro-Asian regions I spoke of before. 


While preservation was necessary in Euro-Asia, here it made no sense to hoard food because it would all rot and reappear anyway. For example, the thought was not to preserve the banana on the tree for tougher times because everything grew year round continuously. This abundance of value or food shaped the way people lived in these regions. 


There was no need for heavy advancements in weaponry because we were not as reliant on conquering another region’s resources to ensure our survival. Most people in these regions had very rudimental hunting tools and weapons( spears with metal tips, etc. Nothing like the armor covered, steel sword wielding technologies of Euro-asian regions).

There was more sharing, community focused living because the climate in this region enabled people to live in a state of abundance. If you’re not worried about eating tomorrow because food is everywhere all the time, you are way less likely to compete and much more inclined to give. 


Fast forward to today we can still see glimpses of these behavior patterns despite the heavy influence of Euro-Asian living. Unfortunately there are not many indigenous peoples left in South/Central America, Deep South/South Eastern Asia but in examining Afro-origin people in America we can see the behavioral differences.


Firstly our relations to value. Because we ancestrally had no need to hoard food, or preserve for later use we still struggle with this behavior in dealing with money. We save the least and we have a natural inclination to spend or share money when we do receive it. We do not have that ancestral conditioning to practice hoarding wealth/value nor did we have the need to establish generational wealth. You did not need to worry about how your kids’ kids would eat when food grew year round for as long as you can remember. 


Secondly competition. The competition we experience now that leads to a lot of Afro-Afro violence is directly tied to the environments that we are being thrown into. We went from growing in abundant environments to now living how ancestral Euro-Asians did in lacking environments with low or unpredictable opportunity and resources to ensure survival. This forces us to adopt that competitiveness that is naturally foreign to us. Even in Africa, the abundance of resources are now controlled by foreign nations so even in homelands of abundance the people are forced to compete over what little is available. 


These are just tip of the iceberg examples to explain the disconnect and lead me to my true point. 


The issue we Afro-origin or people born in similar climates face is we are being forced to live in a system of behavioral patterns and practices that are not native to our ancestral origin. As we climb the ladders of success and establish economic prosperity we have to be mindful of the practices we do and the way we build our economies. 


We can not build our structures with the same way of thinking as Euro-Asian cultures because it is not most efficient for our natural behavior. Our value or money has worked best for us when we share, help each other, think communally VS hoard and thinking only of individual, family generational wealth. It is hard to understand how conditioned we are by people coming from a region not like our own. 





Through historical data analysis you can seed the reason behind each race’s behaviors. I call it Ancestral Geographical PTSD. It is the blueprint in our DNA that cause us to act the way we act and think the way we think. It’s how we adapt to environments and how we see the world. It’s why some people can never understand your viewpoint while others can. 


The world has changed drastically since our earliest days and we are beginning to connect more than ever. If we want to fix issues in a Euro-Asian influenced world we need to address our ancestral PTSD that has led us to create the systems in which we suffer under. We don’t need to hoard wealth any longer, we don’t need to think so individualistic, we don’t need to compete over resources to survive. The world would be best if we began shifting our mindset as a whole towards the mindset of people originating in climates where food was in abundance year round. A united shift from a mentality of lack and competition to a mentality of abundance and sharing would be enough for the entire world’s problems to be fixed but as long as we keep money out of circulation and act so selfishly it’ll remain a pipe dream. Euro-asian people you are not under the conditions that you ancestrally were. You are prosperous now and you have access to value to ensure survival, you have to let go of the deep conditioning that was once necessary because it is now becoming a burden to not only yourselves but to every other race and even the environment. 







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